Are Working Women Better Mothers?

by Ramya B
working women

A woman’s identity lies in her motherhood. She is most happy when she becomes a mother. Her child is her priority, pride, and treasure. She can compromise on anything but not her child. Is that all? Does her life end with this identity? She probably knows the best balancing art… She is a daughter, a wife, a sister, a mother, an aunt or a working professional.

When we say working mother, a lot of debate, questions, dilemma, anxiety, war, researches come up. Are working mothers better that homemaker mothers? People will have different views on this. We will focus here to see if office goers mothers are better than homemaker mothers.

working women moms

Full-time working moms go through a whole spectrum of emotions— right from being worried at their desk if the nanny is taking care of her baby and feeling horrible for dropping off her crying toddler at daycare to throwing a diaper in the air out of the balcony like the iconic hat toss by Mary Tyler Moore. Well, the good news is work can feel like a vacation from the dredges of motherhood on a good day. However, it’s the grind that needs to be cracked up. And most of the times, those super moms have this guilt feeling of not giving sufficient time to their kids.

You Are The Role Model – Mom

working women role model

Who has seen the future? If you are thinking to quit your job for your child then think again. When your child grows up he/she might blame you for quitting your job. Remember, your kid is a 21st-century kid. You might leave your job but your kid’s friend’s mom might not have taken this decision. By seeing the advantages of friend’s working mom, your kid might ask, “Mom why did you leave your job?”
Be ready with an answer! When you handle your work and home, you become a role model for your kid.

The Treat Game

Have you ever felt the pleasure of treating your child with your money? Only when you work you have the pleasure to take your child out for dinner and pay for the bill. Moreover, if it’s your daughter’s birthday then you might pay for the entire party. Doesn’t it sound great? If you are not working it does not mean you can’t treat your child, but once you are financially independent then the treat gets a different dimension.

working women better moms

You Are The Smarter Mom!

Researches have shown working mothers are much smarter than homemakers. This might raise a debate here. Are homemakers not smart? Of course, they are, but may not be as smarter as working professionals. When your child is stuck at projects, you may give her the idea on how to use an excel sheet for the project which you learned at the office.

Better Social Connections!

It has been seen that mothers who go to office build a social connection. This connection helps them keep a healthy life and it benefits their children too. When you are working after your baby for the whole day, you would definitely need your space where you can sit and read a book or listen to your favorite music or go for a coffee with your friend. Homemakers find it very difficult to find their space. But if you are working then your work breaks allows you to spend time as per your choice.

about working women against guilt

Make Better Fathers!

Homemakers give most of their time to their children and in a way they do not give many responsibilities to fathers when compared to working women. On the other hand, if you are working then fathers have to take up more responsibilities and that makes them better fathers. While you are at work your husband might drop and pick your kid from school after work. If you are late from work, they will have to feed the kid and make him sleep. The child also shares his time with mom and dad, both. This way your child will also know that there is no fixed work from mom or dad at home. The household work is divided equally within all.

Happy working! Happy parenting!

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