Celebrating Mother’s Day Every Day

by Vinodkumar Sankranthi
Every Day is Mothers Day

This year Mother’s Day falls on 12th May. This day is supposed to be a day where you celebrate your mother’s contributions, love, and a million other things she does for you.

While we all are geared up to celebrate Mother’s Day with a bang, we must also give a thought as to why celebrate Mother’s Day only once a year? Is one single day enough to give back all the love and care that our mom has showered upon us till now? No right? According to us, at GrabOn, each day must be Mother’s Day. Each and every minute must be dedicated to our beloved mother. Each and every second, we must strive to make our moms smile from ear to ear. After all, what on this earth is more precious than a mother’s happiness?

Mother's Day

Curiosity urged us to debunk the origin of Mother’s Day, and this is what we found –

Mother’s Day is observed as a special day honoring motherhood observed in different forms worldwide. The American incarnation of Mother’s Day was created by Anna Jarvis in 1908 and became an official U.S. holiday in 1914. Jarvis would later denounce the holiday’s commercialization and spent the latter part of her life trying to remove it from the calendar. While dates and celebrations vary, Mother’s Day most commonly falls on the second Sunday in May and traditionally involves presenting mothers with flowers, cards, and other gifts.

Our mothers constantly work for us without any leave all throughout the year, so isn’t it our duty to acknowledge her efforts and care and celebrate each day as Mother’s Day?

Mother's Day daughter

We dedicate one day to celebrating every mother and their existence, but what happens #ADayAfterMothersDay? We are back and settled in our busy schedules after putting up messages on social sites, taking her out, making food for her, and spending time with her – all in one (Mother’s) day.

The real question is celebrating her kindness, her love, her compromises, her pain, all  the hard work she puts in to make you a better person and what you are today, in a day. Is it enough?

For all mothers, each day is important and equal. They celebrate all our joys, and achievements and even manage to give their shoulder in times of our sorrows. They are our 24-hour ATM – Any Time Mom (available) giving their unconditional love and attention when and where we need them.

Our mothers deserve more than a day to make them feel special and important. And as they say, better late than never – do something special for your mom today and every day.

Make your mommy feel special

Happy Mother's Day

1. Make everyday chores easy for her

Our moms do so much every day – cooking, washing, cleaning after you, etc. – all this without any help. Imagine the smile on her face when you help her in cleaning your rooms, chopping veggies, making your bed, putting clothes in the laundry, and doing the regular day-to-day household chores.

2. Support her every time

Nothing is bigger than moral support extended by a child to her mom. So, whenever you find your mom to be sad or upset, make sure you are always there to help her. Sit next to her and extend your moral support. This will surely boost her confidence and make her feel better.

3. Compliment her

Tell her she is a wonderful cook, makes your life easy, and you have received compliments in school, college and office because of her hard work.

4. Tell her you love her

You would not hesitate or think twice about saying this to your girlfriends, boyfriends, friends, or lovers. So why hesitate to say it to your mom?

5. Cook for her

Be it a simple tea/coffee or a three-course meal, cook for her or at least try and that itself will make her heart fill with delight.

Mother's Day gift

6. Take her out

For a movie, shopping, food, spa; she will learn to enjoy out if you give her the time and patience. You can also avail of these services at an unbelievable price using marvelous Mother’s Day discounts and offers.

7. Chat about your life

Simply talking to her makes her feel connected, involved, and good. While she might not always say exactly what you want to hear, you’ll feel content when you communicate with her.

8. Get her gifts

Most moms might complain about us spending money on them or buying gifts in general. However, it’s perfectly fine to give her gifts that she needs or will simply enjoy having.

9. Do what she likes doing in general

Even if it means watching a daily soap episode with her once in a while and asking random questions like you are into it. She will love it, I assure you (from experience).

10. Share Memories

While you are at home, you can flip through old photo albums or discuss all the cherished moments with your mom. Reliving these memories will strengthen your bond and bring a smile to her face.

11. Help Her Pursue Her Hobbies

It’s important to support your mother’s interests and hobbies by spending time doing them together or giving her space to enjoy them alone. This shows that you care about her happiness and what she loves to do.

So, this brings us to the end of the article. We hope you enjoyed reading it and understand the real motive behind writing this piece. If you have any other ways in mind through which one can make their mom feel special, do let us know in the comments below.

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1 comment

Micheal June 12, 2015 - 1:57 pm

nice blog keep it up :)


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