Stay Easy When traveling somewhere, there are so many different things you have to consider to enjoy your trip. Of all those things, what you do and where you stay, …
With every new month, the dilemma of what to buy and not to buy begins. Because fashion trends keep changing with every passing month and your wardrobe starts screaming for …
Mid-2000s saw a rage in tech blogging in India and any person who had knowledge about technology started blogging about it. Still the bloggers who knew their audience and wanted …
Today, we live in a world where people carry the inference about women surely by the outfits and footwear they wear, and the handbags they carry. But, what about the …
The best part about summers are the sales and to top it all if all the sales are happening online then there is no stopping the shopaholics. These days you …
When it comes to Fashion – what you wear, how you wear it – is all about your style and comfort. Yes, we do give heed to the latest fashion …
Living in a fast-paced world, none of us can deny that we all need to brush-up the skills on how to manage time. Everyone is so busy with school, office …
It was a spell-bounding day for Flipkart yesterday and for sure they are looking forward to more online sales today. With the “Electronics Sale” still on, gadgets and gizmos freaks …
With the increase in the number of road accidents in India, there is a rising concern that do the people of the country realize the importance of following road safety …
Before you experiment with egg whites, yogurt, hibiscus, oatmeal and various other products to keep your hair healthy looking and stylish, we’ve decided to knock the bottom out of these …
When eCommerce first made it to the Indian Internet Consumer market, it was books and electronics that gathered all the buyer’s attention as the prices were discoverable, lower, and the …
Are You an IPL Fan? Do you audibly yell and sometimes startle people around you while watching a twenty20 tournament game? Well, this is one of the common traits of …
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Christmas isn’t just a holiday- it’s the most magical time of the year! From sparkling lights to cozy gatherings, it’s the perfect opportunity to enjoy …