13 Ways Singles Can Celebrate Valentine’s Day in 2024

by Ramya B
valentines day

Valentine’s Day is one particular date of the year on which singles around the world feel a need to stay cooped up in their houses. Even those who choose to remain single feel terrible. All the PDAs going around everywhere become way too saddening for them and they just wish that 14th February would stop existing. My fellow brethren, I understand your pain and wish to resolve it. That is why I set about finding ways for us- me and you- to keep ourselves occupied on Valentine’s Day and away from all the lovey-doveyness.

This Valentine’s Day, you can plan a perfect day with your loved ones in a variety of places. With the malls, cafeterias and restaurants that will get crowded with love birds on Valentine’s Day – February 14th, there’s no reason for the singles to feel like a fish out of the pond. Whilst couples enjoy their dates, there are many interesting ways in which you, the singles, can have fun as well.

13 Ways To Celebrate V-Day

We’ve compiled a list of the best ways you can celebrate this day of love with your special one like never before. Take a look at this list, and make the best of it.

1. Get together with your tribe


If you are single, you sure do have your tribe, don’t you? So, get together with your gang of friends and plan a sleepover, afternoon luncheon, dinner, or perhaps a long drive to a day tour destination near your city. Pull up a quirky act on a friend or plan a back-to-back movie hangout, when you are with your soul tribe, not a single moment is dull.

If your friends are all in peaceful relationships, tough luck then! Still, you could go on a solo trip. Who knows? Maybe, you find someone too and the solo trip becomes a duet.

2. Indulge yourself completely


Let me tell you something- Valentine’s Day is as much about self-love as couple love. If you’re single, then, why not indulge in some self-love? After all, when it comes to our selves, we rarely act selfishly. Though it applies more to single women that are single, even men can dive in! If you are a single lady, walk in to a beauty boutique and opt for spa treatments, best-deal beauty packages, aromatherapy or herbal massage packages. Single men too can opt for natural treatment therapies, like the traditional Indian Shiro Dhara in any popular nature cure center. Furthermore, they can browse through their favourite watch or shoe brands and self-gift themselves.

3. Find out a new pursuit


Valentine’s Day is a wonderful time to fall in love with something new and it necessarily doesn’t need to be a person. Is there a hobby you want to pursue? For instance, did you always want to learn Western contemporary, rumba, or salsa? If yes, February 14th is a great time to get yourself enrolled for a dance class and fall in love with this newfound pursuit of yours. Though, make sure it’s not a couples’ dance class. Add in more to the list if you want- music, photography, art classes etc. Go to a bookstore and fall in love with books. Make sure you do something worth this day rather than just lie in bed.

4. Show love where there’s a need


Whilst the world celebrates this special day by enjoying the best food, movies, and drinks, there are sections of people who can only wish for it! The homeless, and the destitute in an orphanage or NGO homes, the senior citizens at an old age home, special children in a specialized center, and the like. Why not get connected with a local NGO that stands for any of the above-mentioned situations or anything else and celebrate Valentine’s Day collaboratively, doing something different for the ones for whom a small act of love would mean the entire world.

There’s no better way to kill loneliness than spreading love with the ones who desperately need your love. Volunteer at one such NGO, interact with these underprivileged people, share their pain and give them your love and care.

5. Pamper yourself, your friends your parents

eat drink and party

Pampering doesn’t have to be expensive! A red velvet cake with a cute message or personalized T-shirts customized for close friends and family members can be a great way to show your love to people who care for you. And whilst pampering others with gifts and gestures, don’t forget yourself. Get your favorite chocolate, cupcake, or pasta and relish it thoroughly.

Think of all the things you so desperately want to do but normally won’t. And pick this day as the one to do them all. Forget about everything and just remember to treat yourself to the very brim. There’s no one more deserving of your love than you . Then, why not treat yourself that way?

6. Netflix & Chill


Okay, maybe you don’t have to get out of the house. You can just spend the whole day bingeing your favorite TV series or movie trilogy on Netflix or any other streaming service. Mind you, the streaming service would try its best to make you watch some rom-com, not realizing your predicament. But you don’t even touch them. Stay away from all rom com films and shows (Even the ones in which the hero/heroine claims to not believe in love but eventually, ends up falling for the heroine/hero). Just this day, Action and Horror are your best friends. Here’s a list of anti-love movies to help you:

After Everything, 365 Days, Lady Chatterly’s Lover, Persuasion, Perfect Pairing, etc.

7. Work on your spirituality

Feeling full by yourself is a reality. You can do so by meditating. You can also do so by connecting yourself to God. Having a relationship with God is a form of meditation. It helps you be present which is the very essence of being happy and in fact, is mindfulness. We know from therapists that there are multiple ways to feel mindful. The prime concept of mindfulness is focusing on one thing and not getting deviating from it. It will help you keep out all the feelings of FOMO, insecurities, and feeling that you are not enough.

8. Give social media a break

Always being on social media will lead you to compare yourself with lives that are “perfect”. It is easy to feel less of yourself when you are watching reels based out of a restaurant, and the V-cakes being slit. So do yourself a favor and keep your phone away for a while. This will help you have a better time when you can in reality connect with your family or just your gang the way you should.

9. Throw an Anti-valentines Day Bash

If nothing works, Here’s an idea- why not throw an anti-Valentine’s Day party, just to vent your frustration! Just find out why Valentine’s Day doesn’t deserve the hype it gets (even if it was just meant to vent your frustration) and get all the singles in a room to talk about it. Rather focus on the day and the story behind it and so on. So you’ll be better prepared for what to do the next time.

  1. Pamper Yourself

Treat yourself to a day of self-pampering and love. Sink into relaxation with a soothing massage, luxuriate in a long, fragrant bath, or stretch and rejuvenate your body with yoga. Engage in activities that nourish your soul and uplift your spirits, whether it’s reading a favorite book, listening to calming music, or indulging in creative pursuits. Embrace this opportunity to prioritize your well-being and bask in the joy of self-love. 


  1. Offer a Treat to Yourself

Indulge in a day of self-love and luxury by treating yourself to something special. Splurge on a decadent meal at a fancy restaurant, pamper yourself with a spa day, or indulge in a shopping spree for that coveted item you’ve been eyeing. Celebrate your worth and embrace the joy of indulgence as you lavish yourself with attention and care. Whether it’s a small gesture or a grand indulgence, honoring your desires and treating yourself with kindness is a beautiful way to celebrate Valentine’s Day. 


  1. Write Letters to Your (Future) Self

As a single on Valentine’s Day, remember to celebrate self-love and independence. Embrace this day as an opportunity for personal growth and reflection. Take yourself on adventures, indulge in self-care, and cherish the love of friends and family. Use this time to nurture your passions and prioritize your well-being. Keep faith in yourself, knowing that love comes in many forms and that your worth is not defined by your relationship status. 


  1. Take Up a Fitness Challenges

Challenge yourself with a fitness activity that gets your heart pumping and your endorphins flowing. Whether it’s a challenging yoga session, a scenic bike ride, or a high-energy dance workout, prioritize your physical health and well-being on Valentine’s Day.  

With interesting ways to celebrate up your sleeve, Valentine’s Day can be fun and eventful, even for singles! Try some of the above-mentioned activities or maybe even all. You won’t be killing time on Valentine’s Day, rather you will be making it memorable.

This article is a part of our series on Valentine’s Day.

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