7 Hacks On How To Pack Travel Bags

by Ramya B
how to pack

If you are a traveler, you will understand the plight of packing. There are times when you are just too confused on what to pack and what not to. And on other times, you are running out of time so you just pull something out and stuff it in your bag. But there are always better ways of packing. Even the frequent travelers know that packing can actually be troublesome and how to pack advices are always welcome.

Tips to Pack Travel Bags

Worry not my traveler friend, we are here to help you, like always. Know what to carry and how to pack hacks with us today.

1. Know Your Travel Plan

know travel

It is always a good practice. If you know your itinerary front and back, then it gets easier for you to decide what to wear. Let’s say you are traveling for 7 days – so keep atleast 7 tees and 3 bottoms (you can carry extra tops), 7 or more under garments (extra always comes in handy), grooming and bath kit, medical kit (small one), and atleast 2 pair of shoes

2. Backpack Always Comes In Handy


If you are going on a short vacation then backpack will be easy. Instead of carrying too much luggage this will be more feasible. One jeans, three tops, 4-5 under garments and few grooming products – you are sorted. You can carry extra backpack when you have too much luggage.

3. Essential First Invariably

Always pack what is more important, things that you will require invariably. Then move on to other unimportant things you want to carry. Like extra pair of garments should always go in first. You can live without one less shoes but not under garments, right?!

4. Compartmentalize With Pouches


Pouches are always convenient. And how to pack these, it is simple – instead of throwing things under your clothes just stuff them in a pouch. Combs, tooth brush, paste, face wash, creams, medicines, everything can go into a pouch. Also make use of pouches given in your luggage bags.

5. Less Is More Mostly


Only in terms of clothes, shoes and other irrelevant items. Always carry less of everything especially when you know you can do without them. Stuffing unimportant things doesn’t work at all. ‘Coz at the end of the day you will carry extra all your trip and making less space for anything else (especially that shopping you did).

6. To Roll & To Fold


The best way to pack is to either roll clothes that can be rolled and stuff around the corners. Or use as few folds as possible so that it doesn’t look bulky and place it flat inside the bag. These hacks will make more space so that you can stuff other things too.

7. Size Matters

The size of luggage bags you are carrying should be equally proportional to your travel time. One day trip doesn’t require a big luggage bags (unless you are running away or something). Similarly, a 10-day trip requires more than a backpack (unless your a staunch backpacker).

Follow these few hacks and your traveling packing will be set. Also, if you are planning to buy some new cool luggage bags then buy them from Flipkart and Snapdeal because there is a sale.

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