Treating Dark Pimple Scar: Top 3 Natural Remedies

by Ramya B
pimple scar

A blemish-free skin is everyone’s dream! And much as one thinks that the modern day skin problems includes dry skin, tanning or rough skin and the one, dark pimple scar takes the lead and has been causing sleepless nights for many. When the pimples dry out, one might feel relieved that it’s over. But the left over dark scars is heart-breaking making the face look lacking in vibrancy and beauty.

Men and women from time to time have wondered about remedies that could put an end to this problem. Today, there are multiple crèmes and lotions that promises instant or fast effects, but being laden with harsh chemicals often the impact on skin is not too good. Therefore, what ultimately prove beneficial are the simple and humble natural remedies.

Treat your pimple scars naturally

Application of Aloe Vera:

Skin specialists are of the opinion that aloe vera gel helps in healing the marks caused by pimples as it is a rich source of vitamins. By nature this gel is non-reactive and cool and therefore has a calming effect on affected skin. Owing to the fact that it is a natural moisturizer, upon application the gel makes the skin healthy, soft and smooth. This gel can be sourced from any pharmacy shop. Alternatively, taking the gel directly from the plant, by peeling the external flesh is equally effective.

aloe vera

Potato Juice:

Overlooked by many, potato juice helps in remedying dark pimple scars being rich in minerals and vitamins. The fresh juice from organic potato when applied on the face with a damp cotton wool helps to smoothen your skin. Also people can cut thin slices of potato and apply on the face or the areas where the marks are more. It’s ideal to keep the juice or the slices on the face or affected are for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash off gently with water.

potato juice

Lemon Juice:

Being rich in alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) lemon juice is one of the most effective natural remedies for fading dark pimple scars and regenerating the skin in an optimum way. All you need to do is just squeeze the juice from organic lemon in a bowl and apply the same on your skin. You can use a damp cotton wool to apply the juice and keep it for some time. When you keep the juice on your face for about 15 minutes your face might feel mildly itchy, which is a good sign as it indicates that the marks are being worked upon. Wash your face and apply a good quality moisturizer and follow this for about three days to see positive results.

lemon juice

Apart from these three dark pimple scar can also be naturally healed by applying coconut oil, cucumber, honey as well as rose hip seed oil. Some people even use baking soda, but maintain precaution if you are doing especially if yours is a sensitive skin.

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