How To Turn This Mother’s Day into The Best One Yet?

by Tushar R Behera
How To Turn This Mothers Day Into The Best One

Mothers are special gifts sent by God to take care of us and guide us each step of the way. They play different roles without being an expert in any. Everybody in the world will agree with us when we say mothers are the most comfortable space for any kid. So why not make an effort on Mother’s Day to make it one she will remember forever? We have come up with this blog to guide you with this. In this blog, we will discuss what are the different things you can try to make this Mother’s Day the best one till date.

What is Mother’s Day?

If you check online, what is Mother’s Day? You will find answers like “a day when you celebrate all the mothers and motherhood itself”. But we at GrabOn disagree with this statement, a mother could be anyone you look up to for wisdom and love in a time of need. And what about the people who were born without a mother? Everybody has the right to celebrate this day. In our opinion, the Mother’s Day celebration is to honour all the women in our lives who have acted as our mothers and supported us when we needed it the most. We celebrate Mother’s Day to thank the women in the world who went through so much pain and suffering to make us what we are today.

How to celebrate Mother’s Day?

Gifts are wonderful, but what can you do to make her eyes sparkle? It should be something meaningful, something special, and something that reminds them that we love them. Starting with a bit of research is a great idea as this will tell you what others are doing and maybe some great ideas can give birth to another great idea. So, let’s just plan the whole day. I will divide it into three sections, and we can call them –

  • Wonderful morning
  • Delightful afternoon
  • Peaceful night

Wonderful Morning

So, the first thing you need to do is wake up before your mother. That is the least you can do. Stop being captain lazy pants. So here you go –

  • First things first, let’s start with a nice breakfast. Make sure you cook it instead of ordering it. The taste does not matter as much as the sentiments behind it. Or you could order it and tell her you made it. How would she know? It’s not like your lazy bum ever cooked anything.
  • Once you are done cooking breakfast, start cleaning the house, even if you have a maid. Additionally, you can also decorate the house with a Mother’s Day theme.
  • Now it’s time to wake her up. Remember, we must surprise her, not give her a heart attack. So, make sure you are not too loud. Once she is awake, you must serve the food directly on the bed and sit with her while she eats.
  • Once she is done with breakfast, clear the plates and wash them properly while she gets ready for the day.
  • Now it’s time to go out shopping. Don’t be stingy, this day only comes once a year, so go all out. Plus, this is not about spending money, it’s about spending quality time together.
  • It’s always a great idea to buy her some gifts or just go for a photo shoot together. After all, photographs will last a lot longer than anything else.

Delightful Afternoon

Hoping everything goes as planned, now we enter the next phase of the day. Remember, all these should be planned, so there won’t be any hiccups later.

  • The first thing on the list is the spa. Spend a few hours in the spa relaxing and letting go of all the worries. Make sure you choose a good spa where both of you can relax.
  • After the refreshing massage, she might be famished. Why not go to another restaurant and have lunch together as well?
  • It’s not necessary for only you two. Involve other family and friends and make this a day to remember for your whole family.
  • After lunch, it’s time for a good old movie to add a cherry on top. I don’t want to make it that obvious but choose a related to mothers or Mother’s Day. Disney’s Brave, English Vinglish, Fences by Denzel Washington or you can go for a new release.
  • You know how mothers love to show off their children. Why not visit some of her friends with her? Sit down with them and talk about how your mother used to be when she was your age.
  • Now that we are at the end of the second section, why not end it with a nice cake? I know it’s not her birthday, but cakes fit into any occasion.

Peaceful Night

And finally, it’s time for the finale. This part of the day must be spectacular and memorable. So, each aspect should be carefully planned and executed. Let’s get into it –

  • After you are finished with the cake and come back home and let her rest while you start the preparations. Gather the whole family (it would be even more special if you manage to bring home your grandmom as well).
  • For this plan to work, your whole family must be in on it. Direct her to the room with everyone and wish her happy Mother’s Day and all the pleasantries.
  • After that, everyone consecutively says a few words about her. It’s important that she should be the centre of attention. After all, it’s her day.
  • A great idea would be to get custom printed T-shirts with Happy Mother’s Day or something she would say printed on it.
  • And go out as a family somewhere, you don’t have to limit yourself to the regular movies, restaurants. You can also go to events around town. The main thing to remember is that your whole family should be present.
  • Or you can take this in a completely different direction, maybe all the men in the house cook for everyone.
  • Finally, at the end of everything, touch her feet and thank her for all the sacrifices she has made so you don’t have to.

Other Things You Can Do on Mother’s Day

We understand that not everyone has the time to do all the above things but would still like to celebrate Mother’s Day. You don’t have to follow our “guide”. You can make your own or you can even come up with something even better. In today’s world, there are several things that you can do on Mother’s Day. So here is a list of activities you can do to make this day even more special for your mom.

  • Go On a Shopping Spree

One thing that all women like is shopping. So why not take your mom on a shopping spree? Window shop, try on some clothes or do whatever. In our busy schedules, we rarely get this kind of opportunity, so make the most out of it. Going to physical shops would be preferable, but if for that reason you can’t, there is always Amazon with their one-day deliveries. And if you do shop on Amazon, here are a few offers just for you.

  • Binge-watch TV Series

If you were wondering, how do you celebrate Mother’s Day at home? We are pretty sure, at some point in your life, you were addicted to a TV series and binge-watched it overnight. So, do that with your mom too, order some junk food and sink in on the couch together. This way, you can bond with each other on a deeper level. It’s always the small things that bring people closer together. Additionally, there are several TV shows and movies about mothers but don’t limit yourself to just that. Watch whatever tickles your fancy.

  • Go On a Self-love Journey Together

In today’s hectic work schedule, even our parents forget about taking a break and loving themselves. Take this time to give her a much-needed break from her regular life and go to a spa. Get a manicure, pedicure or soak in warm water, do what helps her relax. Additionally, there are so many more ways both of you can learn to love yourselves. Buy new clothes or, even better, design and stitch up a new dress for her.

  • Try Arts & Crafts

Have you heard of the phrase “there is an artist in everybody”? Well, believe it or not, it’s true. Help her bring out that artist in her, with arts and craft classes. Or what is stopping you from buying art supplies and winging it? Arts and crafts help by letting your creativity flow and relax. Think of it this way: after you are done with it, you can hang it on your wall.

  • Go Out on a Picnic

Today cities have turned into concrete jungles, and it’s slowly suffocating us to boredom. So, this Mother’s Day, take her out for a picnic, maybe to a park. Chat, spend some time together, breathe in the fresh air and relax. A change of scenery can uplift her mood in seconds, especially when she is with her child.

  • Strikeout Things from Her Bucket List

Everyone has a few things they would like to do before they pass on. Take this day and help her cross out some of the things on her bucket list. This will give her a sense of fulfilment in life. Additionally, you can add more stuff to it for the next year and this time you can plan.

  • Go Out Drinking Together

Take advantage of the nightlife that most cities have to offer. Begin by going from bar to bar until you discover the best one. On Mother’s Day, many bars and restaurants have special discounts; take advantage of this awesome opportunity and order unlimited drinks and food.

  • Cook Food Together

Here is another way you can celebrate Mother’s Day, cooking something together. All mothers are Michelin star cooks. They don’t need a certificate to prove it. So why not cook something together and learn a few dishes from her? Or follow along with a cooking show or buy a recipe book in advance. The options are unlimited.

  • Outdoor Games

Want to plan something fun and enjoyable? Why not take your mother for some outdoor games this Mother’s Day. Playgrounds might be for kids, but adults can turn into kids sometimes. Play some games, chase each other around, play with some kids and make this day full of joy.

  • Go Out of Town

Do you know where bonding happens? It happens when you are having fun and creating new memories that will last forever. Take her out on a trip to Goa, Shimla. There are so many places you can visit together. You can do so many things together, like trekking, cycling, yoga lessons and so much more.

  • Create A Family Photo Album

Nothing makes us happier than our family, and over the years all of you must have created so many memories together and taken pictures. So, sit down together, gather all the pictures from all your family members and create an album together. Indulge in your sweet-sweet memories and re-live them with your mother.

  • Volunteer Together

There is no greater pleasure than that of helping somebody. So, for Mother’s Day, volunteer at animal shelters or humane societies, for example. Doing these things can help people uplift their mood and be happier versions of themselves.

  • Visit A Temple

And finally, visit a temple and thank God for all that you have and on this auspicious day thank your mother, who loves you more than she loves herself. The peaceful and soothing atmosphere will instantly make you and your mother feel at peace.

  • Create a DIY Spa Day

This Mother’s Day, you can transform your home into a spa retreat by setting up DIY spa stations. Treat your mom to facials, foot soaks, and homemade scrubs. You can also play soothing music and light scented candles to enhance the ambiance. It’s a pampering session that will leave both of you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

To end things, we are all prone to being engrossed in the hectic lifestyles we have built for ourselves. But it is vital to take some time out of your schedule and enjoy the small things in life, especially this Mother’s Day. And we hope this blog helped you figure out what you are going to do this Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day!

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