5 Best Power Food To Boost Your Immunity Naturally!

by Ramya B

It is that time of the year again. Yes, it’s winter. Your health will take a significant hit as a result of Cold and Flu. So staying healthy for this season is a must. The best way to stay healthy is to boost immunity. And to boost immunity, your body should extract maximum nutrition from your diet, and it has to be loaded with food items that are rich in all kinds of nutrients.

Top 5 Natural Power Food that works as Immunity Booster

Most importantly, avoid processed food, grains, and sugar that affect your immune system. Choose food that is light on your tummy and a handful of supplements. Stay healthy by having a proper diet with a mix of vitamins and minerals, have a good sleep pattern, and add a dose of exercise to your everyday routine. Here is my choice of power food to boost immunity.

If you want to take immunity booster supplements then you can purchase that online. Using 1mg coupons buy it online on www.1mg.com for best prices.

1. Yogurt

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It’s known that a morning dose of yogurt can help you to stay strong and boost your immunity. Yogurt contains probiotics that are healthy bacteria. This keeps the gut and intestinal tract free of disease-causing germs. Probiotics are available in supplement form, which is effective in boosting immunity. Yogurt is also a source of Vitamin D that regulates immunity system and boosts your natural defense system against diseases. To draw the benefit from yogurt, try to incorporate it as a part of your daily diet. You can even add your favorite fruits and vegetables to it and make it yummier.

2. Tea

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Slurping a hot cup of tea on a wintry evening is the best way to rejoice in yourself. You can choose from the different varieties of white, green, black, or even herbal tea. These are loaded with disease-fighting polyphenols and flavonoids. These antioxidants hunt for cell-damaging free radicals and destroy them. Amino acids present in tea are responsible for boosting your immune system.

The best choice of tea is either the Matcha green tea or the Tulsi tea. As you all know, Green tea is super rich in polyphenols in the form of natural chemicals called catechins. Matcha Green tea is a finely ground powder of specially grown and processed green tea. While coming to Tulsi, tea is prepared from holy basil herb loaded with antioxidants. Tulsi tea has various health benefits like boosting the immune system health, heart health, and more. Just add lemon, honey, ginger, mint leaves, and cinnamon to make it taste even better. Tea is the most preferred power food to boost immunity.

3. Garlic

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Garlic is one of the best and most potent power food to boost immunity, as it is a concoction of antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties. Garlic also contains Allicin, which is an anticarcinogenic chemical. Garlic is known to lower LDL, blood pressure, cholesterol, and much more. It is loaded with Vitamin C, B1, and B6 and contains Phosphorus and Iron. It is always better to take fresh Garlic since the active ingredients get destroyed in an hour. Garlic in raw form protects from cold and cough in winter. You can have two cloves a day or add crushed cloves to your dishes. If you are worried about the pungent smell of this superfood, marinate it in yogurt for an hour.

4. Sweet potatoes

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One of the readily available power food items to boost immunity is Sweet potato, which is rich in vitamin A. It helps to build up immunity against various diseases. Compared to regular potatoes, Sweet potatoes contain a rich amount of fiber. The Beta-carotene present in Sweet potatoes helps to fight against free radicals, which boosts immunity and eventually improves the aging process. It also contains Vitamin A, which is essential for the production of connective tissue, a key component for healthy skin.

5. Fish

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Your body needs Omega-3 fatty acids, which are immune boosters that help to maintain fitness. You can find Omega-3 fatty acids in coldwater fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel. The essential unsaturated fatty acids present in fish increase the activity of white blood cells that destroys any bacteria present in the body. Fish is considered to be the best power food to boost immunity.

These are my choice of power food items to boost immunity. Some essential tips to follow that will boost your immunity include washing your hands regularly, having enough sleep, staying up to date with vaccines, and going for regular checkups. Do share with us if you can find other kinds of power food and additional tips to follow for this winter.

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